Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Are you under general anesthesia for toe bunion surgery?

I want to have toe bunion surgery. Are you under general anesthesia for toe bunion surgery?

11 Answers

Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal for an appointment.
Thank you
General anesthesia is not necessary.

Steven Neufeld, MD
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center
Division of CAO
Some doctors do bunion surgery under general anesthesia and it is available if that is what you would prefer. The majority of bunion surgery and the method I prefer is performed with IV sedation and a local anesthetic block called monitored anesthesia care, MAC. This method allows you to sleep while the surgery is being performed and because your foot is numbed up with a local anesthetic while you sleep, you have no pain for several hours following the procedure. MAC is considered safer because unlike general anesthesia you are not intubated and breath on your own.
Unfortunately, we do not treat bunions in our office.

Thank you,
Manhattan Orthopedic Care
Possibly, that's a choice you and your surgeon have to make. Most bunion procedures can also be performed under local anesthesia (injections) with IV sedation.
Bunion surgery can be performed with regional anesthesia and usually augmented with sedation. Every patient has unique circumstances which have to be evaluated and considered. I tailor the type of bunion surgery and type of anesthesia to each patient's unique needs and preferences.

Mariam Hakim-Zargar, MPH, MD, FAAOS
New England Orthopaedic Center, LLC
The Medical Office Building
538 Litchfield Street, 204
Torrington, CT 06790
(860) 489-6363
No, you can have twilight anesthesia and a block.
typically, yes. in my office, with recent use of minimal invasive approach to fix bunion and hammertoe, surgery can be done in office setting under only local anesthesia, with no hardware, and patients walk on the same day out of the office. please look into my office social media and website to see the patients that has benefited greatly from this technique.
Yes. We use General and local anesthesia for bunion surgery and digital surgery
The type of anesthesia for bunion surgery can vary. General anesthesia is an option, but not the most common form. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to discuss options.