Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor fix rounded shoulders?

I am a 27 year old male. I want to know if a chiropractor can fix rounded shoulders?

15 Answers

Yes, they can only if you go a great one.
Chiropractic care is a team effort between patient and doctor. Along with the cooperation of the patient to perform recommended lifestyle changes and exercises, chiropractic adjustments can help realign the shoulder girdle.
Your age indicates that improvement can absolutely occur with time and effort. A good chiropractor will address structural areas that need attention, exercises necessary to perpetuate such improvements, and lifestyle (e.g. ergonomics) changes that can help ward off the otherwise inevitable postural decline we see so often in the 21st century era of technology. When searching for said chiropractor, please make sure they have training and experience with extremities (e.g. shoulders, hips, knees, etc.) as this will be crucial in correcting your postural issues. Some chiropractors only address the spine.
Absolutely. We provide chiropractic treatment, along with supplement exercises and ergonomic consultations to help with you rounded shoulder :)
They can definitely helped in straightening out your back and getting rid of rounded shoulders. I suggest finding a chiropractor in your area that does muscle work plus the adjustments such as ART and such. Rounded shoulders normally come from bad posture, overly tightened pectoral muscles, and weak rhomboid muscles.
Receiving care from a Doctor of Chiropractic can certainly help improve
rounded shoulders as well as optimize overall posture.
Good evening, I hope all is well. A rounded shoulder can definitely be treated with chiropractic care. Rounded shoulders can usually be associated with poor posture, a weak core, and even a condition called Upper Cross Syndrome. So, even though we move the bones, there will be a lot of self-made habits that will have to change for long-term results. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please let me know.
Absolutely. Rounded shoulders tend to be a result of an offset of the curvature of the lower cervical/upper thoracic spine. Since your spine is the basic top-down structure of your body, the rest of your body adapts to the spine. Get the spine aligned and the rest follows.
Chiropractic can help improve your posture, including rounding of the shoulders. It can do this by freeing up stuck Spinal Joints in your Spinal Column. Best thing is it safe, natural and painless. Of course, to keep better posture after Chiropractic care, you need to be aware when your slouching your shoulders forward and bring them back up to the proper alignment.
By rehabbing the musculature that attaches to the anterior and posterior aspect of the shoulder girdle and improving overall posture it is possible to decrease the appearance of rounded shoulders.
Yes. It requires a combination of chiropractic adjustments to the cervical and thoracic spine as well as specific strengthening and postural exercises. It takes time.
Yes with adjustments and exercises.
Absolutely, we can. Most commonly when a patient comes in with rounded shoulders, it is a very easy diagnosis. Typically it starts with the patient having a condition by the name of upper crust syndrome. Basically, this condition is caused by an imbalance between the anterior and posterior shoulder musculature.

When the anterior shoulder muscles such as the anterior deltoid and pectoral muscles are tight or hypertonic, then you’ll typically see that post to your shoulder muscles such as the upper trapezius elevator scapular, and the rhomboid musculature are being stretched, that’s causing rowdy shoulder appearance.

The upper cross syndrome can simply be treated via chiropractic treatment and that includes electrical muscle stimulation to the posterior shoulder muscles, heating pads to augment the relaxation response, chiropractic adjustments to that area, therapeutic stretches to the anterior shoulder muscles and rehabilitative exercises to stabilize the anterior and posterior shoulder girdle musculature.
Depends on patients age, degree of rounding
A chiropractor can certainly help you with your rounded shoulders, but most likely they will give you strengthening exercises for your back and stretches for your pecs, so there will be some homework for you to get better.