Naturopathic Physician Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture treat digestive problems?

My husband has been having digestive issues. They are all short-term and not serious. I think he just has a sensitive digestive system. He ends up burping a lot almost as soon as he finishes his meal. He also has a gassy stomach and we have been considering acupuncture for his digestive problems. How effective is acupuncture in treating digestive health issues?

22 Answers

Hello, There are many things that can be done, including, but not only limited to acupuncture. If you would like to schedule an appointment with my office, we could assist with that. Have a great holiday season. Intuitive Natural Wellness
Hi there. Acupuncture can be very helpful in treating digestive health issues. It is a common reason people seek alternative/integrative practitioners and I've seen a lot of benefit in those with either IBS or IBD or just digestive and GI concerns in general. I would say it's very effective.
Hi! There are medical conditions that can lead to such symptoms. Acupuncture can be helpful for managing symptoms, but it likely won't get to the root cause. I do have familiarity in such cases and have treated with success.
Acupuncture can help diverse health issues, including digestive problems. However, it may require more than just acupuncture, such as dietary change, if you're looking for a long-term solution. If you want to treat the problem as naturally as possible, expecting a long-term result, your husband needs to be ready to make the changes and stick with the treatment for a while as it may require more than one treatment session. Hope this helps.
Some Naturopathic doctors are trained in acupuncture, but unfortunately, I am not one of them so am not well equipped to advise on that treatment specifically. However, I would have his doctor consider a lactulose breath test for SIBO. Overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine can produce excess gas from fermentable foods, causing symptoms like burping, flatulence, bloating, and stool changes to name a few.
I am not sure how acupuncture will work for his issues. I would try an elimination diet and use some digestive enzymes to help his stomach. There are teas, supplements, vitamins that are beneficial for digestive issues.
Acupuncture can be effective in alleviating symptoms when done consistently. You are looking at weekly sessions. It is important to rule out other physiological causes such as a dysbiosis (i.e. imbalance in gut bacteria), SIBO, etc to make sure you are treating the root cause. While acupuncture is helpful, it is somewhat impractical to do weekly sessions for a more than 3 months.

You will need to make dietary changes before anything else.


Dr. Pushpa
Acupuncture is very effective when it comes to treating digestive issues, as is naturopathic medicine. You would usually need to go 1-2x/week for 6-8 sessions.
Hello! Acupuncture can in some cases help the gassy, burping type digestive issue you described. I had a woman once who was constantly burping, even in her sleep, for several months and acupuncture resolved it. However, depending on what is causing the issue, herbal or vitamin supplements may also be needed in conjunction with the acupuncture.
Acupuncture can help with gut issues but my recommendation is you find a naturopathic physician who can find the root cause of your digestive issues.
Burping is "rebellious Qi" in TCM. Food should go down and out. When it reverses it's direction the energy is going the opposite way of the way the body was designed. Gas is a stagnant symptom. Both respond to acupuncture beautifully however I would be serious about identifying what foods he is sensitive to as this may be his underlying cause - along with possibly stress.
Yes, it can. But it can take many treatments.
Not recommended. He has trapped air from chewing and any beans (02 gas inside bean) causes gas. Try OTC 80 mg Gas-X.
It all depends how skillful the acupuncturist is. I think naturopathic medicine is a better option.
Having acupuncture on hand for quick relief is an amazing utilization of Chinese medicine. I've used it many times myself. If this is occurring after every meal he may need multiple treatments per week to make it an effective tool. This sometimes discourages patients and I always encourage my patients to ask for expected goals as acupuncture is a subtle art. From
a western diagnosis, he may just need some GI help and rebalancing.
Good afternoon,

Acupuncture along with other treatments, supplements, and herbs can definitely help your husband. Please call our office at 303-541-9600 to schedule a new patient appointment and we can give him the holistic care he needs.

Kind regards,
I have practiced acupuncture in my primary care practice for over 30 years and find that acupuncture is an effective support for many digestive issues but the key is diagnosing the root cause. This may involve testing to understand the functioning of your digestive tract, assessment of flora and enzymes etc. and in mild cases acupuncture may be useful alone.
Yes, Acupuncture can help correct digestive problems. Acupuncture is very effective for digestive problems. Your acupuncturist may include Chinese and/or western herbs to help assist as well.
Acupuncture may help reduce stress and pain, however without addressing what someone is eating, the true cause may go unnoticed.
Acupuncture is generally used only in combination with other forms of treatment. You may benefit from paying attention to his chewing habits. Make sure he is chewing his foods well. Digestion of the complex carbs begins in the mouth. Digestive enzymes released from the salivary glands mixes as you chew your foods. Improper chewing can cause increased intestinal gases, along with the swallowing of air. If he has been treated with an antibiotic, there may be an imbalance within the intestinal flora. A good probiotic may help; try Dr. Ohhira's probiotic.