Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractors cause headaches?

I am a 38 year old female. I wonder if chiropractors can cause headaches?

4 Answers

Only for their spouse.  :-)
Typically, Chiropractic Adjustment actually help Headaches. Many times, immediately. The most common adverse effect from a Chiropractic Adjustment is temporary lightheadedness. In my 29 years of practicing, Chiropractic is wonderful even for the worst headaches.
It all depends... 1st off: Headaches are a complex issue... MANY things can be the cause of H/As. 2nd: 90% of H/As originate in the neck and 90% of H/As are stress related. So, at least 90% of the time, a chiropractor is a good place to start. Now, IF you have an underlying issue, (old injury, degeneration/arthritis, herniated disc, etc.), there will undoubtedly be a certain amount of scar tissue/adhesions, (NOT good for normal movement, blood flow, lymphatic drainage, nerve supply, etc.)[perhaps the reason you might go to the chiro in the 1st place, right?] Well, if you do, ANY manipulation, (such as massage, stretching, chiropractic, physical therapy, exercise), can disrupt this abnormal/unhealthy scar tissue, which, in turn, can result in short term inflammation... and BINGO, there's your headache. So, did the therapeutic intervention CAUSE your H/A, or did your body's reaction to therapy cause it? MOST often you just need to keep at it until the body heals to the best of it's ability.
It's possible, but typically no.