Dental Hygienist Questions Periodontist

Can gum infection be healed with salt water rinse?

I have a gum infection. Can gum infection be healed with salt water rinse?

4 Answers

There is gum infection o periodontal desease when the teeth have bacteria , plaque and cálculo.A professional cleaning would be needed
it depends on how severe is the infection, is just an inflammation or is sever infection that surly needs more care than just salt water rinse.
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You should really see a dentist for this. Your gum infection could be caused by a number of things, including gum disease, which would need to be treated if you wish to keep your teeth. I always tell my patients that I would rather check them out and find it's minor or nothing rather than have them try to treat something themselves and find out it's a problem.
Most likely not. You should see your dentist to check that out.
If its periodontal disease, it can be treated with lasers, see treatment video: