Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can obesity cause depression?

I have obesity. I get depressed too often. Can obesity cause depression?

3 Answers

Depending on the cause of obesity or obesity caused by depression, can go either way. People feel depressed over their looks but they could be obese from different causes and lack of interest and eating too much out of boredom or losing interest in exercise , Multiple factors cause obesity and / or depression.
It would not be surprising to find that a person would be very unhappy about their weight and become depressed..In addition to medical attention to your obesity , you should consider an evaluation for treatment of your depression with medication and psychotherapy.
This is a very interesting question. My opinion is that yes, obesity can cause depression, but in an indirect way. That is, in order to become obese, people often eat unhealthy foods which serve as excitotoxins which contribute to depression. Examples of excitotoxins are High Fructose Corn Syrup (found in soda and other processed foods), MSG, aspartame, and many other food additives. Additionally, obesity can impair your ability to exercise, and we know that exercise contributes to making you happy (not depressed). Some suggestions that would improve both your depression and your weight are to eat natural unprocessed food, exercise every morning, end your showers with cold water, get 8 hours of sleep each night, and try intermittent fasting (eat in an 8 hour window).