Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Colon cancer or IBS?

Today I passed a normal stool movement and then a few hours later it was yellow narrow and had white mucus. I was severely stressed last night and today is day 3 of feeling stomach aches that are very dull and move all over the lower stomach. When I eat yogurt it feels better and when I lay or sit certain ways it feels better or worse and I have been suffering from severe anxiety and am very scared that I could have colon cancer. This is the first time in the past 3 days with the same stomach aches that I have had narrow stools and there was no blood present and no straining to get it out.

Male | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 3 Days
Medications: None
Conditions: Bloating, Slight Abdominal Cramps, Changes in shape color and size of stool constantly

2 Answers

Without any evidence of blood, and given how young you are, colon cancer is extremely unlikely. You may have caught a GI bug or ate something wrong so I would recommend getting plenty of water and give your symptoms a few weeks before seeing your doctor if things don't get better.
Probably IBS. It is quite rare for a 20 year old to get colon cancer. Narrow stools do not indicate colon cancer. Stress and anxiety can alter your bowel habits, so it won't help to worry so much about colon cancer, especially at your age. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, get checks-ups as usual with a PCP, and you will greatly increase your chances of avoiding severe diseases.