Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Do I need to seek medical care?

It's currently Wednesday, and Saturday for my 17th birthday I had a small party with 3 of my friends. I had some alcohol 3 cans one was like an 8% one was 9% and one was 6% I believe. After that was beginning to kick in me and one of my friends went to go smoke. I ended up smoking most of it. Obviously I ended up getting completely wasted and I ended up puking a lot that night but never fully blacked out. The next day I had a hangover and maybe an hour after waking up starting puking a good bit which is normal for a hangover but its Wednesday now and I'm not fully better. I still am having nausea and stomach pains and aches, I have been burping a lot, slight lightheadedness/disorientation. I hydrated a lot on Monday. I can still eat and drink and hold it down but I do feel worse and burp more after eating and drinking now. I just want to know what's wrong and why I still feel like this. If you can help I would highly appreciate it.

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: none
Conditions: none

1 Answer

Your intestinal and other symptoms are the result of "getting completely wasted." If you irritate the stomach and brain to that extent with alcohol (and other drugs), then you will pay the price. Be nice to your body and you will recover.