Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Do ganglion cysts go away on their own?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know if ganglion cysts go away on their own?

9 Answers

Ganglions do disappear on their own. I manage ganglions if they’re painful with aspiration and injections of steroids. The majority of them don’t require any further management, very few need surgical intervention.
Yes, they can. So, if a ganglion cyst is not bothering you much, just watch it and it may go away on its own.
Usually not, though they can wax and wane in size. If they are aspirated (drained with a needle), they frequently recur. Surgery almost always resolves them.
Yes, ganglion cysts can go away on their own. The longer the cyst has been present, the less likely this is. Also, location may be a factor. A dorsal wrist ganglion (top) is more likely in my experience than one present on the volar (bottom) side. I have followed patients for years with just a bump and no symptoms and others with significant pain requiring surgery. I have also treated patients that did not like the bump or simply the way it felt. They are non-cancerous and removal is your choice.
Good luck!
Ganglion cysts can sometimes resolve on their own. If they get hit they can burst. When they go away on their own they usually recur, but not always
It is extremely rare for a ganglion cyst to go away on its own.
Occasionally ganglion cysts will go away on their own.
They can, but usually they just alternate between getting bigger, then smaller over and over. Unless painful, they don't have to be removed.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose