Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Does bariatric surgery cause psychiatric disorders?

I am planning on having bariatric surgery but my doctor mentioned emotional side effects? Does bariatric surgery cause psychiatric disorders?

2 Answers

No, they are normally there prior to Surgery.
There is a large psychiatric component to weight, eating, and surgery. You should have been referred for psychiatric evaluation prior to surgery, and many times, it is important to continue that relationship after surgery.

Many people turn to food in times of stress; after surgery, you will not be able to have this as a crutch. You will need to learn other ways to help manage stress after surgery.

There is a small, but not insignificant, chance of developing an alcohol use disorder after surgery. People who are married have a slightly higher rate of divorce after surgery. People who are not married have a slightly higher rate of getting married after surgery.

The risks of all of these are about 1-2%. They should not dissuade from proceeding with surgery, but this is why psychiatric evaluation and counseling can be so important.
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