Dentist Questions Dentist

Does coconut oil whiten your teeth?

I am a 28 year old male. I want to know if coconut oil whitens your teeth?

7 Answers

Probably not.
Not really
Interesting question,

If your teeth are stained from external reasons like coffee, tea, or other issues it may lighten from oil pulling with organic coconut oil. If your teeth are clean and without extrinsic stain, oil pulling with organic coconut oil will not whiten your teeth. To whiten, you would need to use some form of peroxide. This can be obtained from your dentist with in-office and at-home options, as well as over the counter option. Please be advised that whitening can cause tooth sensitivity.
No. It does not.
As much as my addled brain would love to give you a sassy answer, I will refrain and only say - No, it does not. Nor will it heal decay or periodontal disease. Abrasives like charcoal, baking soda, or some whitening toothpastes remove superficial staining from the outermost layer of your enamel. To really lighten the color of your teeth, you must use some type of bleaching agent containing carbamide peroxide, which can enter the deeper layers of our teeth and lighten the dentin. 

No, it does not.

Dr. Jensen
I have never heard for or against coconut oil whitening teeth. Most whitening formulas have an oxidizer like hydrogen peroxide or have a mild abrasive to scrape away a tiny amount of surface stain. Coconut oil of the kind used in food should not harm you.