Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Heart beat per minute?

I am a 65 year old male. I am overweight but very active. I recently started recording my heart rate on my smartwatch. My resting is 59 which I think is in range, but my bpm is 48 - 50 when sleeping. Should I get this checked out or is that normal?

Male | 65 years old
Complaint duration: 90 days
Medications: Zopiclone, losec
Conditions: Hiatus Hernia

5 Answers

Yes, I would get labs drawn if not done in the recent past and include thyroid levels. Would get an echo and a 5-day Patch Holter. Lastly, would get a sleep study.
If you feel great and comfortable, I don’t think you need to worry about the numbers you provide. I tell my seniors if the heart rate while in deep sleep is above 40/min and nothing happens when he/she wakes up, you will be fine. If you have doubts, you can wear a Holter to monitor your heart beat/rhythm to make sure nothing is wrong.
This is normal
Slower heart beat particularly when sleeping can be a marker of sleep apnea syndrome that is common in overweight people. It is indicative of excess vagal tone that can be due to Hiatal hernia also. You should get checked out.
Your resting rate is fine as long as you don’t have symptoms. What does your rate do when you exercise? If it remains low then you need to get checked