Dentist Questions Tooth extraction

How is a tooth extraction determined?

Lately, I've been having a lot of pain in a few of my teeth. Normally I take Advil to relieve the pain, and it works for a little bit. But obviously I'm going to have to go to the dentist soon. I just don't want to have a tooth extraction, which is why I've procrastinated on going to the dentist. When I do go to the dentist, how do they determine if I need a tooth extraction?

6 Answers

Hello, putting off on seeing a dentist may cause further damage especially if there is an infection. The dental professional will examine your teeth and determine if it can be saved due to the amount of infection/decay/bone loss/damage that the tooth has. Thank you for your question.
First, do x rays, pocket measurement, all conditions are actually treatable besides unfavorable tooth fracture
Unfortunately, the longer you wait to have an evaluation the worse the condition gets, and this leads to the higher likelihood of need for tooth extraction. There are several factors at play when determining if tooth extraction is needed. The size of the infection, the amount of bone left, the amount of tooth structure left, crown to root ratio, etiology of dental pain, restoration prognosis, tooth prognosis, periodontal status, etc. Unfortunately, this is difficult to answer without additional information. My best advice would be to visit your dental health care professional as soon as possible.
If the tooth is too far gone and there are no options to save it, then it needs to be extracted.
Unfortunately, you procrastinating is the the very reason why you may need an extraction. The pain most likely started due to decay in your teeth. If left untreated, the decay spreads. If the decay gets too close to the bone, then you have to decide if the tooth is worth saving. If you have to remove bone to save it, you may want to consider an implant. Ideally, you should have gone to the dentist when you first felt a little tingle in your tooth and then go in for regular check-ups every 4-6 months.
Good morning. Many factors can cause a tooth ache and many factors determine if the tooth needs to be extracted or it can be saved with a root filling and crown. It depends on how severely broken down the tooth is and how severely infected it is. The longer you wait the greater the risk for a tooth extraction. We always strive to preserve nature and we strive to keep your tooth if possible and that's why we encourage 6 month checks ups to catch the little issues before they become large problems. Fear is a big factor in prevention, it's mostly fear of the unknown and our goal is to try and answer as many questions as possible to get rid of that fear, but strongly encourage you to schedule a consultation visit.


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