Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

How long does it take to recover after dental implant surgery?

I will have dental implant surgery. How long does it take to recover after dental implant surgery?

3 Answers

Recovery is immediate for the patient. There should be little pain or discomfort. Follow your dentist's advice. If you do have a problem let your dentist know right away. Some treatments involving implants may require six to eight weeks before the implant stabilizes, so avoid alcoholic beverages if possible, brush softly, and do not eat sticky foods or bite down on hard candies or nuts on that side of the mouth if possible.
Dental Implants have a recovery period of 4-6 months. There are a variety of methods that surgeon use to place dental implants and they will be the best to determine your recovery time. Some patients can take a longer recovery time then others.
Healing time may be variable from patient to patient, please consult with the surgeon who placed the implants for any questions about healing time.