“How long is recovery for gum graft surgery?”
I will have gum graft surgery. How long is recovery for gum graft surgery?
4 Answers
Typically the recovery for gum graft surgery is around 12 weeks in the absences of underlying medical conditions or delayed healing due to smoking or other habits that may prohibit the grafted tissue from properly integrating.
A gingival graft can take some time to become incorporated to the recipient site. An initial healing time of approximately 6 weeks is needed for the graft to take at the recipient site. However, it can take several months for the graft to remodel and mature so avoiding trauma at least for 6 months is necessary for a good incorporation of the graft Isabel C. Gay, DDS, MS Clinical Associate Professor Diplomate of the ABP SIU School of Dental Medicine 2800 College Ave., Alton, IL 62002 618-474-7208
Hello there. It depends how extensive was the procedure. It can take up to months some times. Doing what is right, it is always the right thing to do.