OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Obstetrician-Gynecologist

How old should I start taking my daughter to the OB-GYN?

I have a daughter who's 16-years-old. She's never had any irregularities with her period, and isn't asking about birth control. But I feel like I should start taking her to the OB-GYN, just so that she's more comfortable with her body. Is 16 too young to go to the OB-GYN?

5 Answers

Usually at age 16 to 18 if she is not sexually active. But if she is sexually active, she should be examined at the age she became sexually active.
Sooner you see the doctor better it is in case she needs help in future and doctor will have her based exam and treatment is easy to both
I would recommend to begin annual gynecologic exams beginning around 13-14. These are basically a “getting to know “ what the gynecologist involves. Certainly noninvasive examinations such as Pap smears would not begin until age 21. We can offer advice on menstrual irregularity (surprisingly common in adolescents) and methods of controlling it. Should she become sexually active, she may feel more comfortable speaking to an ONGYN that a pediatrician or family doctor
This is what I recommend to my mothers:

-I recommend at 16 that she be introduced to a Gyn for a pre-school physical or in the summer.
-I discuss female issues with the girl as an icebreaker, then do a general physical and breast exam and teach BSE to her.
-I do not do a pelvic exam unless there are Gyn issues, and even then, many times, I bring her back rather than spring that upon her at an initial visit and she has had some time to digest some of the things we have talked about.
-By the following summer and pre-college, she is much more mature and ready to make her own decisions and thus another discussion about birth control issues and to give her an avenue to call from college should she gave any issues.
-I give the girl the option if she desires her mother to be present for any of the discussions or examinations.
-I also assure her that our conversations are totally common confidential in the presence of her mother

Rob Muller