OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Huge mass above butt/lower back?

I currently live in Kentucky and I’m a healthy person, 5”4 and 120lbs. Anyhow during my 3 c-sections, the nurse literally body-slammed me right on my breast area, and then dangled their entire body weight via forearm, off of my chest, both feet touching their buttocks, after 10-15 seconds of dangling, they would lower their legs to stand and then body slam and dangle again. This happened 6-9 times each delivery. These nurses were 5”9 200+ lbs, huge compared to me I guess. My ribs feel like they overlap, my stomach is super tender to touch even over a year after my last delivery. I can’t twist at all. I have a large mass or swelling above my butt crack/lower back. My entire body is affected by my back pain. I’m scared about this large swelling and I’ve included a photo to see if anyone is familiar with this.

Female | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years

2 Answers

You need a CT scan of your chest and abdomen.
I am not certain what your physical ‘body-slam’ was about but a potential bone break or dislocation could have occurred and needs to be checked by X-ray or by a chiropractor or physical therapist. ‘Lumps’ that shouldn’t be there are not a normal finding; please see a healthcare specialist to get this checked out.