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I am worried about my headaches and dizziness?

I am only 18 years old and I have been to doctors. I went to one yesterday morning but he never came to a conclusion. I have online schooling, and being in matric under these circumstances of COVID-19 is very stressful, so maybe that is why I'm experiencing these following symptoms, I have really bad headaches. Sometimes it's on one side, sometimes on both. I feel dizzy as well. A few days ago I collapsed, feeling very lightheaded. I'm always tired too. I take painkillers and pills specifically for headaches. I was diagnosed with anxiety (background). Please help me.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months

1 Answer

Anyone with headaches and dizziness would have anxiety. In your case, the history or story of what happens is super important to figure out the cause. Only after getting the right diagnosis can you hope to get proper treatment.

I had to see about 20 doctors before a cardiologist figured out I had dysautonomia. And it is impossible to diagnose you without a physical exam. So, your best bet may be to keep seeing different doctors, until you get a diagnosis. Check with different neurologists, cardiologists and headache specialists. Because allergies can also mimic different illnesses, go on the Whole 30 antiinflammatory diet for 30 days - check out Keep going to new doctors until you get a diagnosis.