Pharmacist Questions Doctor

I took 600 mg of lamictal?

I take a daily dose of 400 mg lamictal per day (200 in the morning, 200 at night). I accidentally took 600 mg, 200 in the morning, and 400 at night 2 hours apart. That was an hour ago. I feel ok, a bit drowsy. Would I feel worse by now if I was having a serious reaction? I’m currently not feeling bad enough to call poison control so I wanted to get a doc’s opinion. The max dose online says 400-600 for seizures. I take it for bipolar 2 disorder.

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: Lamictal
Conditions: Bipolar 2

3 Answers

600 mg of Lamictal in one day is not likely to hurt you, especially if you normally take 400 mg per day.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP
You needn’t worry. Drink plentiful water, that will dilute the effect. Unless you are extremely thin, that is, then you should contact poison control.

Yours truly,

Dr. Richard Evan (Rick) Steele
It won’t hurt anything if you accidentally took one extra dose. You can just sleep it off if you feel drowsy.