Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions

Infected area under foot - wart?

Our teenage son thought it was a wart and used salicylic acid 40% as his brother had good success with it a couple months ago.

He used a nail clipper to get the dry white part in the middle out but it got irritated and infected instead. He has since used baking powder baths and hydrogen peroxide, bacitracin with no luck. It hursts to walk on it he said. Please let us know what you recommend going forward to clear this.


Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: No
Conditions: No

10 Answers

It is best to see us to remove the wart or apply another layer of cantharone which is a more powerful solution to get rid it. We need to diagnose first of it is a wart vs a corn
The Salicylic Acid usually causes a blister which falls off and may cure the wart. These do sometimes get infected so you should be under the supervision of a physician or podiatrist to monitor this type of treatment.
Plantar warts are common in teenagers. If the wart does not start the peel off after a few weeks with the salicylic acid treatment, there are stronger agents that can be use such as cantharin, freezing, laser etc. These treatment options are available at a pediatric podiatrist or dermatologist office.
SWIFT laser therapy has good results for curing plantar warts.
Hi! I would seek medical attention as he probably needs an antibiotic! If I saw him I would remove the remaining callous, apply bactroban, reduce activity over the weekend and start oral antibiotics before it gets severe . Stop the OTC acid and no more picking *Amy Blackwell Schunemeyer, DPM* *amyschunemeyer@gmail.com <amyschunemeyer@gmail.com>*
He needs to be seen by a podiatrist for debridement of plantar's wart and application of topical treatment. There are many options and they can be discussed at the visit.
It does look like a wart, however I would not use a nail clipper to remove the skin, instead use a puma stone to gently remove the dead skin. If it is infected you may need oral antibiotics.
Stop the hydrogen peroxide. Continue with the bacitracin and a bandaid. Make an appointment to see your local podiatrist
Treatment has been good, so, that is why I suggest visiting a podiatrist to take it out surgically.
Your son needs to go to a dermatologist or a podiatrist, to be sure that the lesion is a wart and to discuss appropriate treatments since the acids have not worked. Kathleen Neuhoff, DPM Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS