Oncologist Questions Oncologist

Inflammatory breast cancer?

Does inflammatory breast cancer start off as high-grade DCIS? I know it begins in the ducts normally, so from the time the first cell turns cancerous, how long does it stay in the ducts before breaking out? I read somewhere it has a very rapid doubling time of maybe 20 to 30 days.

Also, I know inflammatory breast cancer is a clinical diagnosis, so it has to show certain signs before being diagnosed as inflammatory breast cancer. But what is it before it becomes inflammatory? Is it just IDC that then develops inflammatory features?

Female | 30 years old

1 Answer

Inflammatory breast cancer can either start as a ductal or a lobular breast cancer. It starts with an a breast cancer metastasized to the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes then get blocked with tumor. Following this the natural fluid that can build up in the breast and normally be filtered by the lymph nodes builds up in the breast. The breast then becomes red and the lymphatics in the breast become filled with cancer cells. It does not necessarily start as Ductal carcinoma in situ.