Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is a chiropractor good for shoulder pain?

I am a 22 year old male and I have shoulder pain. Is a chiropractor good for shoulder pain?

13 Answers

Yes, we do a lot of shoulder work. Between adjustment, muscle manipulation, laser and stim with strengthening.
Yes, chiropractic is good for shoulder pain. There are four joints of the shoulder (acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, glenohumeral and scapulothoracic). Chiropractic manipulation is excellent for realigning them. There are many muscles that work the shoulder joint and any imbalance in them needs to be corrected - I use applied kinesiology to evaluate and correct these imbalances.
The nerves to the shoulder come out of the spine in the neck, so the neck may need to be adjusted to allow proper nerve flow to the shoulder so healing is optimal. Shoulder movement always coordinates with the core, back and neck rather than as an isolated body part, so a good approach to correcting shoulder problems would include correcting issues in these remote areas that contribute to shoulder dysfunction.
Also, many times people have pain in the ribs near the shoulder blade that feels like shoulder pain. Chiropractic is effective at correcting this as well.
Short answer yes. Long answer is that the problem may be in the shoulder or the neck or even the mid back. Significant limitations in the mid back can cause the shoulder to dysfunction, the nerves from the neck control all of the muscles in the shoulder, and then there is the shoulder. The actual cause needs to be sorted out before the appropriate treatment can be determined.
It depends what is causing the cause pain. If its a simple strain or there is glenohumeral dysfunction than yes. Even it there is a mild impingement, a chiropractor that practice myofasical release can help.
Yes. A good chiropractor should be able to accurately diagnose the cause of your shoulder pain and recommend treatment to correct the problem. If an MRI is necessary to determine diagnosis, a chiropractor can order it and review findings with you.

Dr. Eric Miller - Orland Park, IL
Most the time Chiropractic care is effective for Shoulder pains. The exceptions where it wouldn’t be, is if the Shoulder is fractured, dislocated, has pathology, or a severe tear of the rotator cuff tendons.
Very few doctors of any type are good at shoulder pain, not even specialists. Unless they are aware of Dugas test, Open can test, Hawkins Hamilton, Speed's, etc, and muscle testing the 4 individual rotator cuff muscles, you can't be sure if you need a chiro to adjust you, surgeon to cut, or PT to work on the muscles, when it may be a joint problem. Without the proper diagnosis, no proper advice can be given.
I can’t speak for other chiropractors, I can only speak for myself. I am very good at working on shoulder pain.
The chiropractor can be helpful with shoulder pains. The help given all depends on the dx which is causing the shoulder pain. Stop by & have it checked.
Yes, Chiropractic is helpful for shoulder pain. I recommend seeking out a Sports Chiropractor for shoulder pain.
Absolutely, after a thorough comprehensive evaluation by your doctor can the practitioner truly know the origin of the complaint, such as shoulder pain and shoulder discomfort. Typically, the shoulder girdle can be affected by the motion of the spine or lack thereof. By determining the origin of the complaint, whether it is muscular, spinal nerve referral, nerve, ligamentous, or joint related, chiropractic care can help to alleviate these symptoms by using gentle, yet effective techniques that are appropriate for the complaint.
Very good. You evaluate not only the shoulder but the upper spine and neck to determine what is contributing to the shoulder pain