Ophthalmologist Questions Eye care

Is chlorine exposure bad for the eyes?

Every time I swim my eyes turn red and I think it is due to chlorine. Will this harm my eyes in the future? Is long-term exposure bad for eye health?

6 Answers

Chlorine in pool water can irritate and dry the eyes which can lead to blurry vision.
Reaction to chlorine is very common. You should ask your Eye MD to prescribe a "mast ell stabilizer"
The pool chemicals can cause significant irritation and even scarring of your eye tissue. Artificial tears and cool compresses can help, but (other than avoiding exposure) the next best solution would be using swim goggles when in and around the pool or the chemicals.
Chlorine may cause irritation and redness in the eye but usually does not cause any long term problems. You may consider using goggles during swimming and some allergy drops after.
Chlorine is an irritant that can cause redness and discomfort. In the short term, no obvious harmful effects can be seen. No one know for sure what, if any, long term effects chlorine exposure may cause.
Wear goggles to reduce contact with chlorine.