Dentist Questions Dentist

Is local anesthesia OK for tooth extraction?

I will have a tooth extraction. Is local anesthesia OK for tooth extraction?

5 Answers

Yes. Most teeth that require ectraction can be done with local anesthetics . Oral and IV sedatives are used to control anxiety , but local anesthics are given with then to anesthitize the site.
Yes. local anesthesia is enough, you do not need to be put out for an extraction.
Yes. The majority of extractions are performed with local anesthesia only. If as the patient you are extremely nervous or have a major gag reflex, local anesthesia for routine extractions and most surgical extractions as well. Some wisdom teeth are better removed with the aid of sedation for patient comfort,
keeping in mind the added risks including death.
Any tooth extraction can be done under local anesthesia.
Yes. Local anesthetic is what we use for most all of our procedures in the dental office.