Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Is massage or acupuncture better for neck pain?

I have neck pain and want to treat it. Is massage or acupuncture better for neck pain?

17 Answers

A traditional Chinese Medicine doctor can combine massage with acupuncture to very effectively help with your neck pain.
acupuncture for the most part
Start with massage and if that doesn’t help, then acupuncture.
Either one, but prefer massage, which can be by yourself or with somebody. Helps improve blood flow and helps with healing.
Massage/Accupuncture/Manual therapy may help provide short term relief for your pain. Exercise has the best option to eliminate your pain.

Massage is better than acupuncture. Please sleep at medium soft place, without pillow and take a soft towel (round shape) under the neck. Exercise: straight stand up, loose your body, and pull up both shoulders 10 to 15 times twice a daily. Massage softly with olive oil.
Both treatments have their place on your healing journey and very often they support each other for best outcome.
Good luck
Dr. Leila
It’s important to find out why you have neck pain before you seek out the treatment. I would start with acupuncture treatment. If you have a herniated disc or stenosis then chiropractic treatment might be contraindicated. If you do seek out chiropractic treatment I would recommend gentle treatment.
Every patient is different, some like to do both , there is a massage therapist in my office. But acupuncture focuses more on getting rid of the pain and keeping it from coming back
Both can help a lot, but I work on a lot of neck and have great results.
Of course acupuncture. Read more here:
That really depends on the cause of the neck pain. Especially medical massage vs. traditional massage will make a difference. You might want to try acupuncture first.
While massage may feel wonderful at the time and give some temporary relief, it is only temporary. Though you will have to go for a series of treatments, the acupuncture will be more long lasting, if not permanent. Or a worst, you may have to go in periodically for what we call a "tune up."
In my opinion, acupuncture 30 minutes and massage 20 minutes is better, and the clinic won't charge the fee separately, the 20-minute massage should be no charge.
Both can be effective if done at the good centers.
Why not both? A lot is going to depend on what, exactly, is wrong with your neck. My experience with pain patients and massage has been that acupuncture provides longer lasting pain relief.