Phychiatrist Questions Physical medicine

Is physical therapy good for an ankle injury?

I have an ankle injury. Is physical therapy good for an ankle injury?

11 Answers

Physical Therapy helps restore range of motion in a joint after injury or surgery and is a safe & effective treatment for ankle sprains. You should follow up with pcp for X-rays or MRI prior to receiving physical therapy to rule out fractures.
Yes- of course it depends what type of injury you sustained.
If a sprain/strain, yes indeed. They can also give recommendations for inry prevention.
Yes absolutely
The acute ankle sprain is the most common injury in sports. It is estimated that approximately 30% of individuals will develop chronic ankle instability after the first initial lateral ankle sprain. Simple ankle sprains are not as innocuous as many believe, with high rates of prolonged symptoms, decreased physical activity, recurrent injury, and self-reported disability. Routine non-operative treatment is successful in more than 90% of individuals. Surgery is reserved for those who fail bracing, proprioceptive training, and kinetic chain strengthening.

Physical therapy is highly recommended to improve the long term prognosis and minimize risk of chronic ankle instability, ankle impingement syndrome, or ankle arthritis.
Physical therapy can be beneficial for an ankle injury. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options
It depends on what the ankle injury involves/what structures are involved in the injury.
yes, as long as there is no fracture or torn ligamnents ,tendons
In general, physical therapy might help under your doctor's supervision.