Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Leg problem after an acupuncture session?

I had the first acupuncture session (master tung) two days ago, I felt very comfortable yesterday, but today I have a problem with my right leg. I feel that there is a thread (like a nerve) that extends from the lower thigh to the middle of the leg that does not make me walk straight, I have to walk on my toes so that I can walk There is no pain or muscle strain, I just can't put my whole foot on the ground, and it doesn't bother me when I'm sitting, only when I walk, there are no other symptoms.

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

20 Answers

Sorry, I'm not an acupuncturist, I would discuss this with them. Best of luck.
Follow up with attending acupuncturist for evaluation.
Dr. Leila
Sometimes you might experience a knot or multiple knots after an acupuncture session. Try rubbing your thigh for 5-7 minutes to see if the pain is relieved and the knot goes away. If not, go back to your acupuncture doctor and tell him or her what you said here. They should be able to help.
Why did you have it done? Perhaps your back pain is not resolved that's why you have leg issues.
your acupuncturist may have hit a nerve, or the acupuncture may have stimulated an area that had a blockage. I recommend calling the practitioner, or seeing a new practitioner and telling them your story
I'm not sure what you are asking me?
I also practice Tung acupuncture, but I've never heard of anything like this happening before. Without knowing what points were utilized and what you were being treated for, I can't hazard a guess as to what might have happened. I'd suggest going back to the practitioner who treated you originally and explaining the situation to them. Most likely they'll be able to look back at their notes, figure out what's going on, and provide a remedy. In the meantime, you might try some light stretching of the thigh, hamstrings, shin, and calf to see if that provides any relief.
It sounds like your sciatic nerve was inflamed; it’s possible that a muscle spasm irritated the nerve, or that your hips became misaligned. I can recommend doing this stretch to relieve the tension and allow the position to return to normal:
It is uncommon for acupuncture patients to have negative side effects following treatment, but it does infrequently occur. I do not use Master Tung's treatments, so I suggest you contact your practitioner. He/she needs to know this has occurred and should offer to treat it. You might also consider finding a practitioner who uses another acupuncture approach (such as TCM) to resolve this problem.
Sometimes, there is some soreness experienced after an acupuncture treatment, it is normal. Sometimes, I have patients who want to go work out after acupuncture and I always recommend relaxing in order to truly see the response of the therapy.
You did not specify out, did the doctor treat your right leg or not. We assume he did, but you did not feel any discomfort during and after the treatment. Therefore, the symptom you're experiencing, more than likely it's not from the acupuncture therapy that you received. If the treatment is performed by a licensed acupuncturist the chance of creating the symptom of what you're experiencing is extremely rare and more than likely it's impossible. The symptom you're experiencing could be something else. If the symptom persists, please counsel your physician immediately.
Please call your acupuncturist and tell them about your symptoms. I'm sure the symptoms will go away shortly, but your practitioner should hear about it so they can address your concerns.
Sounds like there's something wrong with the sartorius muscle.

Please revisit or consult with your acupuncturist for further information and assistant for your situation. Based on twenty plus of my experience, I have had no one experiences the way you are experiencing unless your condition is not addressed fully.

Dr. Khounh

It sounds to me like a nerve may not be functioning correctly. It would be a good idea to soak in a warm Epsom salt for 20 mins, keep the water warm the whole time, and then do some gentle yoga or stretching of the lower body afterward. Do not do any strenuous activity today.

Natalie Ramsey, MS LAc

Ramsey Acupuncture, LLC
292 Bloomfield Ave, 2nd Floor
Montclair, NJ 07052
I would check with the acupuncturist again.
I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand your question. You should consult the practitioner about the points they used in relation to your treatment and what prognosis to expect. Acupuncture can have a different effect on everyone individually. I usually tell my patients to wait a week after the initial treatment to see how they respond. Some respond well after the first day and some take a week before they got a response to the treatment. Usually, acupuncture is great for pain tolerance and quality of life; but some of my patient's initial responses to treatments have been increased flexibility & movement without affecting pain level. Again I believe the best thing to do is consult your practitioner about your concerns and/or seek hospital care if you feel this is an emergent situation.
Hello, I'm not sure exactly how to answer your specific complaint, as that isn't a common occurrence with acupuncture. Acupuncture treatments certainly do move energy around and I find that patients may experience some strange or unique sensations shortly after. Usually, these subside within a few days. be sure to mention it to your practitioner at your next appointment, so that they might address the issue directly or have a deeper understanding of your physiology. Good luck.
Sorry about the delay to answer your question. But don't worry about the symptoms, sometimes it could be happen, it will gone away ( one or two days late).
I would call the acupuncturist that treated you and see what they think. If you are not satisfied with their response you can always bring it up to your doctor as well.