Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Neck to shoulder pain?

I have pain running from the back of my neck to my right shoulder and from my shoulder down my right arm. There are pins & needles with some numbness. It's more so when I lay flat on my back.

Male | 63 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days & 6 months
Medications: otc
Conditions: lower back surgery

6 Answers

There may be a few things that are causing your pain with the pins and needles going down your arm. The most likely culprit would be a bulging/herniated disc in your neck. I would suggest getting in touch with a local chiropractor. We are very successful in helping to resolve this issue.
That is definitely nerve root irritation from a displaced vertebra with possible disc inflammation/protrusion. A chiropractor can treat that situation.

Yours in health,

Doc J
This is a complicated case with not enough info to give any accuracy in diagnosis. Reflexes, muscle strength tests of both upper extremities, dermatome testing, and orthopedic tests would help locate the area that is compromising the sensory nerve/ nerves. confirmation tests such as an EMG, or MRI may be necessary for proper referral of treatment.

My educated guess is it's probably two problems such as thoracic outlet syndrome ( TOS )and long thoracic nerve compression due to looking down and to the left for extended periods. usually occurs on the dominant hand side. Both are treatable, but with that being said, that's not a definitive diagnosis without the above testing.

I would advise an immediate evaluation by a chiropractor and/or medical doctor asap.

Dr. Duchon
This is something that is common and we do treat on a daily basis.
There are several things this may be. The most common are pinching of the nerves in the neck that increases with the change in position of the neck. With neck extension, the nerves can become more compressed and increase the pain in the shoulder and arm. Muscular weakness around the shoulder girdle may also be a reason for an increase in shoulder and neck pain with a change of position. As we move from upright to lying, the shoulder blade will move and if the musculature is not strong enough, there may be pain associated with that.
Best to have this evaluated by a physician.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD