Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

Not covid symptoms?

I have vaped for many years but all of a sudden for the last few days whenever I take a small smoke I feel a slight pressure in my chest. Why would that be?

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

2 Answers

Vaping is showing the same complications as smoking, if not worse. This is not new news but has been studied.

Alexander Grichuhin, BS, RRT/RCP
CEO of Home Rehab Network, LLC
Vaping is known to cause potential changes in the lungs similar to COPD/asthma which can present as discomfort when taking in a deep breath and is sometimes described as a dull pressure sensation. My recommendation is to limit vaping and also to practice deep breathing exercises in order to open up the lower portions of the lungs that tend to become too efficient and close off like an accordion when not being inflated often with deep "belly breathing". Aerobic exercise can also open the lungs and keep them from closing off. I hope this helps!


Dr. Maslonka