Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Open sores on lower legs?

I have the condition, ichthyosis, as does my sister. We inherited it from my father who had it all of his life that I can remember. Mine has just developed over the past five or six years. ( I am now 70) Recently the "scales" have become reddened and small sores have popped out on my legs. I am a diabetic and use both diabetic moisturizers and first aid cream but the sores go away then come back. I have recently tried oatmeal bath soaks with only a little relief. What can I do for this condition?

Female | 70 years old
Complaint duration: 8 month
Medications: metformin, lantus,amlodopine,levothyroxine
Conditions: DIabetes, Hypertension, hypo thyroidism,

1 Answer

Dear Patient: very difficult situation as there is no cure as far as I know for the condition. The reddened scales and small sores probably mean infection and should be treated with appropriate antibiotics. Diabetic control should be very good; a1c 7 in order to properly help control infection. From your note it appears that you are doing all possible. I would suggest being followed by a dermatologist as well as your regular physician.

Marvin A Leder MD FACP FACE
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