OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Pelvic inflammatory disease?

My wife is having PID and she can't conceive through this, a blood stain in her uterus from the scan results.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: Months

2 Answers

Ultrasound can detect blood in the endometrial cavity. This can be related to abnormal or normal menstruation.A pregnancy test should be done. Other causes could be fibroid or polyp in the endometrial cavity.
PID is a separate problem and stands for pelvic inflammatory disease. This is generally related to a bacterial infection. And is treated with antibiotics, but unfortunately, long-term consequences can include scarring of the inside of the fallopian tubes that either blocks the Tube, or makes transport Of the egg or sperm, not possible for conception.(Pregnancy).
Further evaluation is warranted. This may include a hysterosalpingogram done in the x-ray department, or laparoscopy with retrograde dye study. For some patients either one of these studies may be not only Diagnostics but therapeutic. Meaning doing a study can help improve the chances of getting pregnant for some patients.
Cannot read US report it’s too blurry.

Trying to conceive is frustrating, difficult, sad, happy; one thing to remember, please see an infertility specialist for answers to your problems. Primary Care Providers, Family Care Specialist, even regular Ob-Gyn’s are not qualified with serious underlying disorders. The good thing is that you are very young. An Infertility Specialist should be able to help you have a wonderful, bouncing baby. Please remember, 45% of the time it’s the male who is the problem!