Neurologist Questions Muscle Disorders

Rare muscle deterioration disease

My mom has a rare muscle deterioration disease, it's been about 5 or 6 years it started in her legs, it has now spread to her back she's losing so much muscle she getting thinner all the time and she gets migraines, she can't sleep sometimes she's in so much pain and takes so many different medications to deal with the pain and other issues but she's still so miserable she's suffering. She'd seen so many doctors and specialists in these past few years they have ran several different tests and a biopsy or two but no one can figure out what it is or how to help her. Please, I just need someone to point me the right direction I don't want her to suffer anymore and I don't want to lose her my mom is the world PLEASE PLEASE help me help her... I need my mom

Female | 48 years old
Complaint duration: 5- 6 years
Medications: There's so many I can get a list of all them and send whatever info you guys need
Conditions: Rare muscle deterioration

3 Answers

Has she been seen by a neuromuscular specialist? I would search for the best in your area or travel to another state if needed for evaluation.
Based on what you described the patient probably has a Limb Girdle Dystrophy-LGMD. This is resulting in muscle wasting and weakness. A good protein would be either bone broth, Glutamine, or Creatine. These are some of the best proteins for muscle wasting. Other therapies like regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies should be considered. Multi nutrient tablets with high doses of minerals and antioxidants would be extremely useful.
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