Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Safe to wean off Eliquis after lung blood clots?

I’m a little distressed because I’ve asked both my primary and the cardiologist I have an apt with later this month about weaning off the Eliquis slowly since they only prescribed it for 3 months after my covid hospitalization for many pulmonary embolisms. I’m 62 years old and had one DVT in a minor lower leg vein many many years ago and was on a different medication for a few months and was taken off of it.

Both doctors just said to finish taking the 5mg twice a day until I’m out. I think this may be risky to just jump off it like that and preferred to wean off more gradually. Should I cut them in half twice a day then take a half once a day? What’s best to do after covid?

Female | 62 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months & 10 days
Medications: Eliquis, BP med and regular meds
Conditions: Covid caused pneumonia and pulmonary embolisms & now high blood pressure

1 Answer

This is a tough challenge due to there being no data on the impact of the SARS CoV-2 Virus on long term clotting risk. There are risks that are associated with taking the medication itself as well that has been well documented. I don't know if there is a "best to do" in this scenario. I think it's important to have this ongoing discussion with your doctors periodically since more and more data are coming out. I hope this helps.