Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Skin cancer?

Is this skin cancer on my scalp? I’m a truck driver so trying to get in to see a doctor is hard. I recently noticed spots on my head like this. Mostly on the back left and right side. Hair broke off of it. It’s hard to take a good picture. It feels really scabby compare to the rest of my scalp and is slightly raised, it does not itch. I’m kind of worried now. I thought maybe I bumped my head and it scabbed over but now it’s been a little over a month and a half and it seems like it’s here to stay.

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 15 days 1 month
Medications: None
Conditions: None so far

2 Answers

Skin cancer can only be diagnosed with certainty by a biopsy; taking a sample and having it looked at under the microscope. Spots on the scalp may be due to a number of conditions including psoriasis. Best to get checked out by a dermatologist to determine the cause of your condition.

Stephen Schleicher, MD
You are correct, it would be virtually impossible to get a decent enough photograph for one to make a reliable dx. That said, your description sounds exceptionally good for skin cancer and regardless of the inconvenience to your work schedule, I recommend seeing a dermatologist as soon as possible.
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