Dentist Questions

Split on Tooth

Hello, My tooth is split on the back in the top row. It’s split vertically but not all the way through. I’m just wondering what’s causing this?

Female | 20 years old
Medications: Hydroxizine, Juleber, Lexapro
Conditions: PCOS, Anxiety, Depression, Ocular Migraines

3 Answers

It could be due to one or several reasons including biting forces, clenching, grinding, a weak tooth to begin with, decay, anatomical variations in the tooth, the way your top and bottom teeth come together etc.
There are many factors causing tooth fracture: biting on hard food, grinding teeth. ( bruxism) Please see your dentist as soon as you can, tooth can be restored if you reat it soon.
Hope that helps.
Dr. Chung
The vertical line on your cuspid is part of natural fissures and grooves that exist on every one’s teeth. It is not a fracture.