Dentist Questions Dentist

What X-rays are needed for braces?

I am a 24 year old female. I want to know what X-rays are needed for braces?

6 Answers

Cephalometric and panoramic. Also, you have to be cavity free, and no gum inflammation.  

It depends largely on your individual case - sometimes you only need a panoramic X-ray to show all your teeth/jaws/etc, other times there may need to be additional films taken to rule out potential problems. There really shouldn't be a blanket "one size fits all" policy regarding X-rays, especially if they want to take more extensive series such as a CT scan, etc. (which would be in certain cases, not all or most of the time).
A Pano would be fine. If not FMX is needed. Thanks!
You will need a panoramic X-ray or FMS.
Generally speaking, you need a panorex X-ray and a cephlametric X-ray. Most orthodontists now use a CBCT or cone beam to plan your orthodontic treatment.
A full mouth set, showing all the teeth and surrounding bone