Hand Surgeon Questions Wrist Injuries and Disorders

What could be the cause of my wrist pain?

I work on the computer for nearly the entire day. Off late I am experiencing a lot of pain around my wrist. What could be the cause of this? Is it due to wrong hand position?

5 Answers

It is important to always seek a medical evaluation by a licensed professional to ensure it is not the manifestation of something more serious. You also want to seek help sooner rather than later to prevent any further damage to the area.
There are many potential causes, that may not be related to your typing. However, your symptoms may be secondary to tendinitis or an overuse syndrome as a result of the typing. This may be secondary to incorrect hand positioning or improper ergonomics. There are many sources on the internet to assess proper and positioning and proper ergonomics while typing on a keyboard.
many reasons like carpal tunnel, tendonitis, arthritis, etc....
Unfortunately, that is simply far too broad a question to be answered via indirect inquiry. The list of possible causes for wrist pain in any environment, whether working at a computer or in any other setting, is extensive. Without investigation and clinical examination, one could only speculate regarding any number of potential causes for pain.
This is frequently tendinitis. And poor wrist positioning may contribute. Your wrists should be in neutral (straight) position when you type. Also, taking frequent breaks from the computer is important.