General Practitioner Questions Diarrhea

What is the best treatment for diarrhea?

Can you please suggest, what is the best natural remedy to treat diarrhea without having too much medications?

4 Answers

No milk no cheese no fatty foods - fluids initially .Lomotil if needed
The Good Rehydration...B.W
Push drinking fluids and imodium.
Diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom. One of the major functions of the large intestine is to remove water from the contents of the bowel. Any of many different conditions can cause this function to become less than optimal. One of the more common causes of diarrhea is stress. Reducing stress would then be the best treatment. There are certain concommitment signs that are cause for concern. These include blood, slime, light color and strong, unusual smells. Especially blood and slime should prompt one to see one's physician. If the diarrhea is simply loose stools, and the best treatment is to fast. Drink only water for two or three days, and in almost all cases, the diarrhea will subside. If this does not help, one should see one's physician. You would be welcome with further questions as needed.