Dentist Questions Sore gums

Are there any medicated pastes for gum health?

Are there any medicated pastes that are available to improve gum health?

13 Answers

A Sonicare toothbrush and flossing is the best way to improve gum health. The sound waves from the brush rupture bacteria under the gums that is the cause of inflammation.
Toothpaste with fluoride is the best known medicated toothpaste and it has been shown to be highly effective in preventing tooth decay. Many years ago a weak antibiotic called Triclosan was added to toothpaste, but it is no longer used as there was concern it might lead to antibiotic resistance to other stronger antibiotics.
Proper brushing and flossing should be enough for proper gum health.
There is multiple prescribed medication for gum health. You need to see your dentist in order to define which med is best for your condition.
Yes, but major is proper oral hygiene
Hi there,

I am unsure about medicated pastes. But chlorhexidine is a rinse shown to help with gums and cavities. It is available under different trade names, peridex is the most popular.
Hope this helps.
Yes, recently a new tooth paste has been available, a Glaxo smith klein product: PARODONTAX
A new toothpaste called Peridontax seems to be promising but nothing prevents gum problems better than good tooth brushing and flossing and visiting your dentist for regular check ups.
No, there are no medicated pastes for gum diseases. See your dentist or periodontist specialist for gum diseases.
The gum health that you describe is not a cause and effect that you can control except by long term good dental habits that involve brushing after each meal with a soft brush and flossing daily as you notice a better taste in your mouth between meals, absence of bad breath, and a pink healthy appearance of the gum tissue instead of a red and swollen configuration which bleeds easily when stimulated by toothbrush period pink healthy gums or what you were looking for and not a medication to make them so because it does not exist.
Miracle Propolis & Auromere Tooth paste is a tooth paste for overall gum health. Essential Oxygen BR organic rinse is also specifically designed for gum health. Another thing that is helpful for getting rid of infections in the gums is rinsing with warm salty water 3 times a day.
There is a new toothpaste on the market called Parodontax that claims to support periodontal health. But there is no substitute for frequent visits to your dentist for cleanings and exams. In addition, a regular home care program of brushing (after meals and before bedtime), flossing (daily) and rinsing (Listerine or Healthy Gums) will do wonders to help your gums fel better. One last thing. Don't assume that you brush and/or floss correctly. Have your dentist or hygienist give you instructions to make sure that you do everything right!
Medicated toothpastes for gum health are of limited benefit. For healthy gums flossing, use of an electric tooth brush and regular cleanings by a dental hygienist are usually essential. Gum disease is the number one cause for tooth loss. Better to prevent it than to let it develop and try to reverse it. Prevention is less expensive too.