Psychologist Questions Psychiatrist

Are my symptoms related to divorce stress?

I'm using Wellbutrin xl 300mg daily, epilim cr 400mg nocte and dopaquel 50mg nocte. I'm going through a divorce. I have become extremely anxious, forgetful, and frustrated with myself. I used lexamil 20mg before and experienced side effects. Used trazodone 50mg nocte for insomnia, which lost its effectiveness. Please advise. I was doing well before the divorce. Are my symptoms related to divorce stress?

Female | 47 years old
Complaint duration: For about 4 months
Medications: Wellbutrin xl 300mg daily, epilim cr 400mg nocte and dopaquel 50mg nocte
Conditions: Hypertension on treatment

4 Answers

Life can be hard. It can be joyful. How hard it is depends upon how brave we are. If we take care of the hard things, we recover. If we avoid feeling the feelings, crying and grieving and self-reflecting on our part, we will be deviled for our incompleteness. I am concerned you will become a drug addict and your inadvertent dealer will be your doctor. If you were my patient, I would want to see why your constitution fears feelings. I would guess that you learned to fear fear as a child. What happened then? When you were an infant, did your mother leave you every day to go to work? Do you have abandonment issues from way back? Or, rejection issues that you never processed. Do you have behaviors that cause you to choose relationships due to flattery, not character. Do you do things in a relationship to push people away. If you face your feelings and the lessons within, you should be able to gradually withdraw. The thing is, you are becoming addicted, and withdrawal will bring up exaggerated versions of those old feelings. Now you really have to be brave. Good luck. There's a pot of gold around the corner (if I can mix a metaphor). .
The best course of action is to consult with your psychiatrist and evaluate the present situation. If you were doing well right before your divorce and the symptoms appeared right at the time that the time that your divorce process started or after the divorce, you could ascribe the problem to divorce stress but a formal evaluation from your psychiatrist is the best way to proceed.
Hello Madam,

I am sorry that you are suffering so much and would, understandably, like to know the roots of your anxiety, forgetfulness and stress that is causing frustration. I am not able to advise you regarding medicine as I am not a psychiatrist. So, you need to bring up these issues with the person who is prescribing. Not knowing you, I am not able to speculate on where your symptoms are coming from. Are you seeing a licensed psychologist for psychotherapy? I would suggest you find one in your area. On stress inventory, divorce is one of the situations with high stress value. So, it is on social readjustment rating scale. There are many good books on market that are helpful in eliminating stress and anxieties. So you may also want to check them out and read the one you connect with. 

Take care and be safe, 

Dr. Lata Sonpal
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