Naturopath Questions Anxiety

Are there any herbs that can treat anxiety?

Instead of treating my anxiety with pharmaceutical means, I'd much rather treat it naturally. Are there any herbs or oils that can help?

8 Answers

There are plenty of great natural remedies for anxiety. It's best to work with a licensed healthcare provider to see what's best for your and the root/severity of your anxiety. If you'd like more information on consultations please take a look at my website.
Yes! I love treating anxiety using botanical medicine/herbs. Herbs like lavender, chamomile, lemonblam, passion flower, and milky oat tops are part of a group of herbs called nervines. These herbs help nourish and calm our nerves in wonderful gentle ways. I have seen a lot of success using these herbs for anxiety.
Yes, read it here:
I can't make any specific recommendations without knowing the root cause of the anxiety. Reach out to a Naturopathic Doctor and have them help you.
Of course there are herbs for anxiety. Also amino acids. The best is a combination of serine and theanine. You can get that from source natural. Then there is Rhodiola and Ashwaghanda, Indian herbs, you can find combinations of those at Whole Foods or your health food store. Meditation and yoga go right with those solutions. Your anxiety is usually not new. You need to work with someone that can help you identify the first time you felt threatened.

Dr. Beilin
-Theanine with inositol
-Kava gold

Dr. Liz
St Jones Wart, Calm, Valerian, Passion Fruit.
Melissa officinalis, lavendar, and kava kava may help with anxiety. Herbs are very gentle and may take a long time to take effect. CBD, taurine, and magnesium has also been helpful.