Dentist Questions Dentist

Are there any painful side effects after a teeth cleaning?

I am a 20 year old male. I will have a dental cleaning soon. Are there any painful side effects after a teeth cleaning?

8 Answers

If you have not had your teeth cleaned for some over 2 years, your gums will likely be inflamed. Because of this, you may have some bleeding and discomfort. But within a few days, your gums will feel better than before they came in!!
If your gums are inflamed and bleeding you may experience mild discomfort during and the day of your cleaning but feel great within a short time unless you are diagnosed with a more extensive problem
Sometimes your teeth will be a little sensitive but you can try Sensodyne toothpaste afterwards which should help! 
If you have been going at least every six months, then you would probably know the answer. I have to guess that you have neglected your oral health so there might be some discomfort, and if you need scaling and root planning, then you may have some pain, but that is why we suggest a minimum of twice a year...

No side effects

Good to see you're getting a cleaning. The most common side effect (even though it does not happen to many people) is sensitivity after a cleaning. This may happen if it has been a long time since your last cleaning. Plaque gets hardened onto teeth without people knowing it. This can act as an insulation barrier and also irritate the gum tissues. Removal of it allows you to feel things normally (your teeth are not wearing sweaters to insulate the cold anymore). Maintaining the cleaning will allow this sensitivity to go away and the gums to heal.

Best of luck to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD

There are no serious side effects after cleaning. Sometimes, I saw slight bleeding and sore for a couple of days.
Generally speaking, there are no painful side effects after a dental cleaning. However, if you have not had a professional dental cleaning for a few years and have tartar (calculus) build up you may experience tenderness in your gums for 24-72 hours following the cleaning.