Dentist Questions Dentist

Are there any remedies for teeth grinding?

I am a 21-year-old female and I grind my teeth almost every night. Are there any remedies for teeth grinding?

15 Answers

A night guard will protect your teeth from damage from grinding
There are many reasons why we grind our teeth. All are related to breathing issues. If you can’t breath well through your nose that is the place to start. Find a good dentist that understands breathing issues that can help you evaluate your specific situation. Thoughts about the cause changed over last 10 years. Remember during the day to keep your teeth slightly apart in a resting position. This helps relax your jaw muscles and releases tension.
Sometimes daily life stresses can lead to this, so try to "chill" when you get home in the evening and destress. Otherwise, it is a common nocturnal habit that be less traumatic to teeth and jaws if you have a dentist make a custom fitted night guard.
Yes, I would try an over the counter night guard that you can get from most pharmacies. Then if you find it helpful, I would ask your dentist to make you a custom one which will be much more comfortable and small.
You need to see your dentist. Tooth grinding can make your teeth hurt. Your teeth can hurt when you bite into soft foods. You may need a mouth guard. Make sure the night guard covers all your teeth. It can be worn on the upper or lower. Make sure there are no indentations on the night guard side that touches your opposite teeth. Warm, moist wash cloths can be applied to where your jaw hurts. Don't bite into apples, large hoagies and sandwiches. No ice chewing or gum chewing. If you see a dentist, listen to what you are told to do.
Hope this helps you.
That's a loaded question! Grinding (bruxism) has many contributing factors. From garden variety stress, degeneration of joints. ..yes arthritis! Very common in females, grinders, trauma like sports, even long ago,an estrogen deficiency correlation. However, treatable! Seen thousands. Add other structural issues like a bad bite, missing teeth, lack of the eye teeth contacting on lateral movements, extracting bicuspids for ortho! ( my personal pet peeve. Seen tens of thousands....official ortho board rules. ...perfectly acceptable, encouraged as it is mandatory for boards. Sure this will rustle feathers! Whatever, I am here for your elucidation. Other potential causes...use of SSRI antidepressants like Paxil, Prozac, etc. DO NOT STOP MEDS WITHOUT DOCTORS SUPERVISION. PLEASE TAKE AS DIRECTED BY MD!!! Randomly, airway compromise, forward head posture, sleep apnea. (Download Epworth scale to screen for sleep issues) and as a kicker we see many Ehlers-Danlos patients, a connective tissue disorder. Seeing an uptick in adult onset. It is a controversial issue, but my experience says it's the real deal. Rare thankfully.
There you have bruxism 101. I could write mountains after 75k patients. Key to treatment. Look for obvious, get at least a panoramic xray to evaluate joints. If your face is asymmetric or you have cross bite, big red flags. Treat with an orthotic...not a rubbery football guard. Custom fit, flat plane, lite posterior contact and
Cuspid discluusion. Doctor talk look for a lab the uses Astron vinyl. No BPA. No Methylmethacrylate Awesome product. Most large labs use. No palatal coverage. Lite incsical wrap about 1.5mm. Check my website
Good luck, you will do fine. Caveat an a bunch of magic computer measuring. Caveat the undersell. If splint is bulky and uncomfortable you won't wear. Plus I worship airway space. Regards, Dr. Mick
Most grinding habits are ingrained in your way of being. It may be stress. Sometimes there is a bite problem that the grinding is trying to fix. Get checked out by a dentist; a bite appliance may help reduce the wear on your teeth, and reduce the stress of your chewing muscles and the stress on your jaw joint.
Yes and no. There are a lot of possible sources for it and may "schools of thought" on why we grind and IF we can stop it completely. One aid in reducing the effects of grinding is to provide you, the patient, with some type of orthodontic treatment, like Invisalign.
YES, THERE IS HELP FOR PEOPLE WHO GRIND THEIR TEETH AT NIGHT AND DURING THE DAY. A dentist can examine you and assess the most likely reason you may be grinding your teeth and make a night guard for you to wear at night. There are a number of different materials that night guards are made of, and one your grinding pattern and the extent of your grinding is determined, the proper type can be custom made for you. Many people notice a difference and relief after the first night of wearing a night guard because it relaxes your TMJ (jaw joint).
Tooth clenching and grinding (parafunctiinal habits) are mostly related to stress. There is no cure for stress and unfortunately no cure for these habits. We manage clenching and grinding with appliances generally called Night Guards.
The most common remedy for teeth grinding is a night guard which is a flexible appliance written over your teeth to give you a cushion from grinding. Your dentist should be able to make our order you one to perfectly fit your teeth. However, you may want to try a sports guard that you can buy at any sports store. You place these in hot water and try to mold them to your teeth. The fit is not anything like the custom made one your dentist will make. Most people have a problem of spitting the sports guard out during the night.
Dr Mike Hopkins
See a dentist to discuss a night guard fabricated to help with parafunctional habits like grinding and clenching.
Yes, the best remedy is to wear a professional made night guard.

David M. Garazi, DMD
Do an experiment. Open and close in your normal bite on your back teeth. Be aware of your right and left jaw joints just in front of your ears. What is happening with your joints as you open and close fairly wide? Now do the same thing with your jaw a bit more forward. Open and close on the biting edges of your front teeth. What is happening with your jaw joints in this more forward position? It is likely your jaw joints are more comfortable opening and closing in the “end on end” position than in your normal bite on your back teeth. If this is the case, have your dentist make a device to hold your jaw in this more forward position when you sleep. It is likely your joints will be more comfortable when supported in this more forward position. It is likely they are trying to get to this position. It will likely improve the quality of your sleep.
It is usually difficult to pin point the cause of Bruxism/teeth grinding, but it could be from malocclusion, stress, or jaw disorder. It will be wise to see a dentist, as he/she can fabricate you a night guard or, if it caused buy stress, prescribe you a muscle relaxer, or give yourself therapy tidbits such as not chewing gum, and show you how to massage the Masseter muscle to stop muscle spasms.