Rheumatologist Questions Rheumatic Disease


I am in a very bad situation of my "final' drug for Rheum. Disease failing me ( hate it said the other way around). I have been on 11 Dmards/biologics. I can not take steroids due to unbearable mood/ insomnia problems; and no NSAIDS due to severe bilateral tinnitus. My question is about trying any of the new PsA arthritis drugs. I need to try something/anything--my quality of life is rapidly declining.

Female | 65 years old
Complaint duration: 18 years
Medications: currently Actemra infusions
Conditions: RD

4 Answers

I would ask for a second Rheumatology opinion
I would also look for a Clinical Trial that you may be eligible for
Best wishes!
Multiple “drug failures” triggers my concern for whether you are correctly diagnosed

Thank you so much for your question. Many of the psoriatic arthritis drugs are also approved for RA therapy. It’s is difficult to recommend a medication for RA that does not have that coverage in its label.
I wish you the best of luck!

Best regards,

Dr. Brionez
Try imuran, or cellcept or possibly cyclophosphamide. Thalidomide is used, rarely, or perhaps penicillamine?