Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesia

Should blood thinnners be stopped before a surgery?

I am having surgery on my back in 2 weeks. Should I stop taking my blood thinners some time before the surgery? Will they cause any complications due to the anesthesia?

4 Answers

Ask your doctors
Follow the instructions of your doctors and ask them questions. Why are you taking blood thinners? Can they be safely discontinued? When should they be restarted after surgery? Blood thinners can cause excess bleeding and other complications during surgery. Anesthesia has no effect on the potency or effect of anticoagulants.
In general, yes, but in consultation with your surgeon and cardiologist or other medical practitioner who is monitoring your response to the blood thinners.
Yes, absolutely. But you should have guidance from your provider who placed you on the blood thinning agent. Some of the anticoagulant "blood thinners" medications have different half lives. Which mean some last longer in the blood than others. You should also have a consultation with your anesthesiologist to make sure they are aware of your status and the condition for which you had to be placed on anticoagulants.