OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Can a blood test tell how many weeks pregnant you are?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know can a blood test tell how many weeks pregnant you are?

3 Answers

Not really, it can tell if you are in early pregnancy/first trimester or later. The main use of this hormone test is to tell if it’s a normal pregnancy, ultrasound is used to determine the due date and age of the fetus. Blood test has to be the one which measures the pregnancy hormone level.
Stay Healthy!
A direct answer is yes. However, the values are not discrete per se and must be correlated with your LMP and dating ultra-sound for accuracy.
A pregnancy blood test cannot tell you exactly how many weeks you are. There's a lot of overlap depending on how high or low the HCG levels are and how many weeks you should be.

Doug Young, MD