Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor damage your neck?

I am a 27 year old male. I want to get a chiropractic adjustment for my neck pain. Can a chiropractor damage your neck?

14 Answers

All medical procedures come with risks--chiropractic included. The risk is very small with chiropractic treatment. Your chiropractor should take a detailed history and do a thorough examination to rule out risk factors. I would not go to anyone other than a chiropractor, since they have more training than any other health care professional when it comes to manipulating the neck.
Malpractice insurance indicates that there is a possibility but it is an incredibly small risk.
A proper history and physical exam should be performed with a set of X-rays, if needed, in order to determine the type of treatment. If you are going in with neck pain, an adjustment may hurt initially because most of your pain is coming from pressure on the nervous system and the swelling that goes along with that. When adjusting into swollen tissue, pressure on the nerves will be released, but the swelling is still there, possibly by maintaining that pressure. It is similar to soreness after working out. Proper management and expectations following treatment will guide you in the right direction.
YES as in anything however unlikely
If they don’t know what they’re doing, which is extremely rare.
In all of health care there is a risk in any course of treatment. Historical it has been shown to be very low in Chiropractic. It is always important to understand that all examinations and diagnostic test do not show or even indicate possible underlining pathology. All doctors must exercise judgment during the course of treatment to determine if progress is being made and if diagnostic test need to be done and/or referrals need to be made. I am aware of no document dangers of chiropractic as long as the treatments are done appropriately by a trained and licensed Doctor of Chiropractic. Never have an unlicensed individual adjust any part of your body. The exception to this statement is in the case of malpractice.
No. Unless you have an acute injury such as a fracture, severe arthritis or a congenital malformation that your chiropractor failed to detect. Otherwise, you should be clear to get your neck adjusted by a chiropractor. Sometimes uou may experience slight soreness after an adjustment, but that is just your body getting used to the changes. Make sure he is lcensed and board certified.
Dr. Ptacnik
This is a controversial topic. There is an infinitesimal small chance of anything bad occurring from getting your neck adjusted. There is a far greater risk of taking just about any over-the-counter medication and I'm not implying the over-counter medication isn't safe. It is very safe if it's being done by a licensed chiropractor. You can find more info about this from the American Chiropractic Association website:

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Chiropractors must focus on diagnosing the problem on "why" your neck hurts and what underlying structures are involved in your problem. Yes, with all treatment injury (while very rare) is possible however with a proper diagnosis the treatment far outweighs the risk.
Chiropractor never damage neck pain by chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractor just remove the subluxation and let the body heals itself.
Not really, there are some aggressive techniques. When you are out of alignment there will be some soreness at first while your muscles, tendons and ligaments get reorganized also sort to speak. I have been getting adjusted over 40 years, it is safe and very important to take care of your neck. Cervical nerves have a lot of jobs, including heart and lungs so get adjusted!!! :)
There is always that possibility where any procedure can have a negative effect. Usually a patient can get sore post adjustment/manipulation because their muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints where treatment occurred have not moved in that manor. A potential sprain/strain can occur as well; if the patient tried to resist or tightened up while the adjustment/manipulation took place or if the doctor used too much force. Unfortunately there is no procedure out there without it's potential risks.
It is extremely rare that anything bad happens after a Chiropractic adjustment, and there is no causal relationship between the two. Chiropractic is one of the safest and most effective treatment options for neck pain.