Dentist Questions Dentist

Can a saltwater rinse heal gum infection?

I am a 34 year old male and I have a gum infection. Can saltwater rinse heal gum infection?

8 Answers

No! The salty water will make things better on the surface but the infection will progress deeper and deeper if what is causing the infection is not removed. My best advise, see a dentist to diagnose the type of treatment you need. Time is not on your side!
It depends. It can sometimes.
Salt water can help sooth the area a little but it will not cure the infection. Removing the source of the infection is the only way the gums will heal. You may need to have gum therapy, also know as Scale and Root Planning, or treatment to remove the infection (Root Canal Therapy, antibiotic treatment). You need to meet with your dentist and find out what is causing the infection so that you can get the proper diagnosis to treat the area.
It can help take swelling down and relieve pain. The infection needs to be cleaned out thoroughly for it to heal.

Alan B. Steiner, DMD

It can help, you may be suffering from a bacterial infection, possibly gum disease, or an abcess of your tooth. You should call your dentist ASAP.
Saltwater rinses will draw the infection out towards the surface but will not resolve the abscess. The root cause of the infection must be treated to heal the gums
Salt water is a good adjunct but it will not treat gum infection. Salt water helps in reducing bacterial population.