Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Can a torn ligament heal without surgery?

I am a 20 year old male and I injured my leg during a soccer game. I wonder if a torn ligament can heal without surgery?

6 Answers

Ligaments do not heal themselves but depending on the ligament strengthening of muscles to support may be possible. Seek an orthopedic doctor's opinion.
Some ligaments heal by themselves. Some (ACL) do not
It can heal with the help of a physical therapist. The sooner they can work on you, the better! Good luck!!!
The ligament can heal if it is a partial tear or a stretch injury however if the ligament is completely torn then surgery is necessary.
It depends on which ligament you tore. Some can heal on their own without doing anything. Others need immobilization to heal properly. Others require surgery to allow them to heal properly. And a few require surgery and reconstruction because they cannot heal.
Most ligaments will heal with time. However, certain ligaments such as the anterior cruciate ligament or the posterior cruciate ligaments of the knee will not heal if they are injured.