Dentist Questions Tooth Disorders

Can an infected tooth spread the infection to the other teeth as well?

I have been diagnosed with a tooth infection and have been recommended antibiotics to combat the infection before further review. Is there a chance that the infection can spread to my other teeth as well? What can I do to facilitate early healing?

21 Answers

If it is a periodontal infection, yes the infection can spread to the bone of surrounding teeth
The infection won’t spread to other teeth but other teeth can be painful if the abscess is bad enough. Treat the abscess by either getting a root canal or an extraction. Taking an antibiotic only treats the symptoms but doesn’t address the problem.
The infected tooth should be treated by root canal treatment to remove the infection. It will not spread to other teeth.
Take the recommend antibiotics and see your dentist as soon as possible
When you mention an infection, do you mean a root canal problem in a tooth or gum disease in SOME of your teeth. An infection IN a tooth cannot spread to other teeth in most cases. Gum infections do affect more than one teeth in many cases. If you have gum problems, antibiotics is very good for the treatment of gum disease.
It depends on the type of infection. If it is a "gum" infection then the adjacent teeth may be already involved. If it is an isolated (single tooth) infection then it may take time to affect adjacent teeth. The key is to get the necessary treatment started a well as antibiotic therapy to mitigate the local infection.
Infection is a very wide term, if the infection caused by a bacteria, yes it is contagious. In order to facilitate early healing, you need to eliminate the cause of the infection.
Yes, there is a chance the infection can spread to your other teeth. Root canal treatment, apicoectomy or extraction of the tooth are options. Treat the tooth asap.
Yes, it can spread to other teeth, your sinuses and other vital areas-that's why dental infections are so dangerous (and in extreme cases, deadly). It is important to have regular dental visits and have good home care. If the infection is very bad, your doctor may place you on an antibiotic to help control the infection before doing any treatment. It is also important for you to follow thru with the treatment even if you are not having pain because an infection will usually only respond to an antibiotic for a short time before it can become aggressive again and may not respond to antibiotics as well the second time around.
Sorry to hear about the infected tooth. There are some possibilities of infection spreading to other teeth and even else where in the body. So those antibiotics are for a serious purpose to try to localize the infection and get the inflammation caused by foreign bacteria to go down. The best thing is to treat the infected tooth and be able check the infection from spreading or remove the infection all together. Hope this helps you! Get better!
If the infection is large enough, it may spread to adjacent teeth. To facilitate healing, your dentist will determine the cause of the infection and will then treat it.
There are many causes of tooth infection. The most common ones are abscesses from tooth decay or gum disease.
Un treated abscess from tooth decay do not spread to adjacent tooth but infection potentially can spread to other area, this condition called cellulitis and that is a medical emergency.
Abscess from gum disease do not spread once you taken the right antibiotics.
To facilitate healing you should keep the area clean with tooth brushing, flossing, use mouthwash and finish the whole course of the antibiotics. It is also important to come back for the Dentist follow up, and provide any others necessary treatments.
It is possible for a dental infection to spread from one root tip to the next, potentially killing the adjacent tooth. The infection has to be rather large for this to happen and it’s not very common. Just the same, any dental infection should be treated as soon as possible.
A tooth infection or abscess is caused by bacteria. If left long enough, it can affect the other teeth. To treat the infection, the cause of the infection needs to be removed. For example: the tooth has a cavity so deep that the bacteria can spread to the nerve of the tooth. Then it spreads all the way down to the apex of the root, where is will start forming an abscess. Antibiotics are normally given first just for the swelling to subside and for the local anesthetic to work. Then, the cause of the infection needs to be removed by either removing the whole tooth or doing a root canal treatment (removing the infected nerve of the tooth).
You may need a root canal if the nerve is infected or extraction of the tooth. Infection can damage the bone if it is present for a long period of time.
Root infections are really ever pass on to adjacent teeth but cavities generally do if left for long time

Healing will require a root canal treatment and subsequent crown of you want to hold on to that tooth long term. Your other option is extraction and bridge of healthy teeth or an implant into extraction site.

Once on antibiotics they're isnt a whole lot you can do to make it better but I always recommend to take multustrain probiotics at least 2 hrs after you take antibiotics this week help minimize detriment to your gut flora

Heal well
I really would like to know the circumstances you were told that because technically the infection wouldn’t pass to the next tooth however if you have an abcess it could get large enough to effect other teeth. An abcess is a pocket of infection forming at the end of the root that is distroying the bone and this bone distruction can effect adj. teeth.
The normal pathway for infection to spread to involve an infected nerve and therefore need a root canal is by way of the mouth and the bacteria contained in the mouth that communicates with a fractured tooth or a broken filling or large cavity. That is to say, the infection grows from the mouth in origin and not within the bloodstream that nourishes the tooth. In this manner, just because one tooth is is symptomatic, the infection should be local to that individual tooth and not spread to an adjacent tooth.
Infection can spread to other teeth. Also can cause digestive track problems or it may cause Bacteria endocarditis. If you are taking antibiotics now you should do root canal right away.
Yes infection can spread not only to other teeth but also to soft tissue and spaces. Follow your doctor recommendations.
I think if you take the antibiotics, it would clear up all the teeth by circulation.